
Self portrait assignment

Ok boyz, new assignment is a self portrait, so we can all get visually introduced on color doodle dump. I think we should have started with this one, but better late then never. So, lets all do a self portrait, any style , any colour. Have fun @ colordoodledump!

The Musician

Another Tom Waits inspired piece...rockin a piano done in a jaunty Jim Flora style.


Sunset by Dado

Here is a sketch done in Colors! for Nintendo DS.
I love sunsets and sunrises, there is so much opportunity for contrast, light and shadow work.

New Assignment

This one is due October 20th...the subject is:

The Musician.

Let 'er rip fellas.


ALpha Male...

Here's a painting I did a while back. I had started on a series of alpha male stereotypes from assorted cultures, and I didn't really get farther than this tubby fella. I've got sketches of other ideas, but none finished to this degree. Bubie made a kishka!



another sketch for dado free assignment idea
im not that good in painting like u guys ,but i im triing to learn
it took me about an hour for this one ,maybe more


fast sketch for this week,with photoshop nd wacom


my piece for this weeks assignment

as dado has made the new assignment to be free so i d like to show u my new tshirt print trials
as am not that prow in printing nd its my first trial so i bought tshirt printing paper nd used old designs i had over it ,nd it was so dum of me to not realise that when i intend to print i should flip the design horizontal so that the text nd design when printed can be readable ,but ,no one is perfect nd i intend to make better ideas for tshirts next time


sorry for late submition,
i know its not that much persian ,but i tried to use some persian rules in pagedesign with the illustration nd typo