Dado, I know you know who this guy is. The Shibetan guy ! He's back in T.O. I ran into him the other day on yonge st. after taking Philip to daycare. I didnt even have a sketchbook on, so I grabed a junk piece of paper and did a pen sketch. Took into photoshop for some paint, but I didnt want to loose the original sketch so I just sort of toned it up. This fello is great to listen to and watch when he plays. Funny thing was, people started looking at me as I was sketching away, I think he wasnt too happy about that, but oh well, we all get a moment or 2 in the sun.
i love it ,the only thing i feel not right is the hand ,it was gona be much free if it hold the pipe
The pipe horn is on a stand, he's not holding it.
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