My third painting of the day, and for the first assignment. Getting a bit burned out by now, perhaps it would have been better to do one painting per day instead of all three in one, but thats what I get for procrastinating. Couldnt settle on which idea to do , so i doodled at all of them. I think they all need more work and could be developed, this one especially, I wanted to do alot more with this, but thats it for now. Must say that non of the photos of these turned out very good compared to the original, and I couldnt scan them since they are oils and need couple of days to dry. Just exploring shapes and shadows and the orange yellow sienna mix. I like monochromatic, I tried to keep it just with warm colours. This is also inspired by my travels in Egypt, from the temples of Karnak and Luxor, and the west bank of Thebes. It is just a sculpture of Horus, the falcon divinity.
1 comment:
Very nice shapes and composition. Simple but elegant. I seriously can't wait to see your upcoming work. It is getting better and better! You are really gave a maximum thrust on this assignment!!! hehehe
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